Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Comparative Election Analysis: Crazy UFO People vs. Other Crazy UFO People

On election day, (which feels like it was a lot longer than a week ago both politically and temperature-wise) I was out canvassing for Obama when a guy threatened to shoot me if I stepped onto his property. Threatened with violence for supporting a Democrat in hippie Madison? This event made me ponder the glorious political diversity all around us. In my second installment of Comparative Election Analysis, I'd like to take this opportunity to point out that no group is homogeneous in it's political leanings. To showcase how omnipresent the red-blue divide, I've picked examples from a group I like to call: "Internet People Who Think They Telepathically Receive Messages From Space Aliens."

Depending on what Crazy UFO Person you ask Obama is either a Messenger signifying Earth's true dawning into new Frequencies of Light or simply another agent of the Repiloid Illuminati working to enslave us all. Which is it? Well, both sides present convincing arguments.

For: Obama as Messenger of Light

The above video is by a woman with a British accent named Magenta Pixie, who I believed was only supporting Obama because of their common membership in the Organization For People With Funny-Sounding Names (OFPWFSN Local 241). Ms. Pixie, has communed with a "powerful" group ofnine other psychics (whom, with all of their collective psychic brain power decided on the creative name of: The Nine) and decided that Obama is a "Lightworker" who will "raise our consciousness to new frequencies." Apparently, Magenta P. is from the school that believes that you can say anything and appear credible as long as you have a English accent. For further examples of instant British-intelligence look at the busty women trying to get me to invest in gold on late-afternoon television.

Many other Crazy UFO people agree with Magenta Pixie.

Merman believes that 1/4 of Earth's Population is here to assist Obama, I guess that's a bigger win than North Carolina.

Meanwhile, TheRealVerbz thinks there are more connections between Obama and Lincoln than just the fact that both of them started their campaigns at the old Illnois Statehouse.

And for those of you worried that Obama is just working for the Illuminati, wavemakerx is here to inform you that he's just going along with the master plan of Lightworking. Though I'm still not sure what the master plan of Lightworking is...

Against: Obama as Puppet-Tool of the Reptiloid Illuminati

While Magenta Pixie and others have done a fine job giving their evidence of Barack's Lightworking. The more conservative psychic UFO channelers believe he is just another tool of the group known as the Iluminati. I though this might be a good thing for a 'Lightworker', as Illuminati is Latin for 'enlightened' but apparently the Illuminati are evil and control the entire planet somehow.

xxxXhaggardXxxx has his concerns about Magenta's channeling.

Theslothmonkey starts things off by pointing out all the powers of the Illuminati/New World Order who have conspired to put Barack Obama into power. In his haste to post, he must have accidentally forgotten to add on the bibliography of his years of "analytical research."

Will points out that this may be even worse than the Illuminati...
The Reptilians are a group of aliens whose existence has been revealed to the world by British author David Icke. The Repilians (or Reptiloids, the scholarship debates the correct name) use their shape-shifting abilities to blend in with the human population and assume positions of power to slowly enslave humanity, much like the plot of the film They Live, which had coincidentally been released shortly before Icke released his theories. Many prominant world figures are actually Repilian aliens including: George H.W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, George W. Bush (makes sense, why would George H.W. have a non-Reptiloid baby?) and Kris Kristofferson. While I'm a fan of "Me and Bobby McGee" and the entire Blade trilogy, Kris Kristofferson really seems to be slacking compared to the other Reptilians when it comes to taking offices of power.

Still, Obama is merely controlled by the Reptilians, which still makes for an upgrade over W. who is a Reptilian. On second thought, maybe I should put Will's comment in the Pro-Obama section.

Meanwhile, crazvy provides more actual physical evidence to back of his/her opinion than any other commentator yet.

And of course, no matter the argument, some jackass Ron Paul supporter always shows up.

Just like those of us in the real world, Crazy UFO People are convinced Obama is either the key to our salvation or the harbinger of death for us all. Then those are those few in the fringes of the Crazy UFO People movement who decide to take an approach known as "wait and see."

It's really sad when a Crazy UFO Person realizes it's insane for anyone to vote for a ticket with Sarah Palin on it.

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