Sunday, December 21, 2008

Helping people out on WikiAnswers

In the spirit of the holiday season, my good friend Jon and I wanted to show goodwill towards those who are less fortunate. But instead of ringing some bell like suckers, we decided to help out our fellow man by answering questions on WikiAnswers. WikiAnswers, in case you haven't stumbled upon it, is a wiki where people can ask any question and have the collective wisdom of the online community provide them with an answer. That's right, when you are too lazy to read through an entire Wikipedia article in order to solve your middle school homework, ask the internet to do it for you.

It started off pretty innocent.

It got worse.

Mr. Smith wouldn't get elected today without support from the religious right.

Oh Jon.

I think they could have figured this one out themselves.
Happy Hanukkah, everyone!

This is why I miss having Jon around.

My feelings on carp are well known.

Good grammar.

*Insert funny caption 10*

I hope this display of holiday giving has inspired you. Hopefully, you can continue where we left off and show your own kindness on WikiAnswers during this most special of seasons.


Alan said...

I guess WikiAnswers admins didn't like the answers Jon and I came up with. They took every single one down and banned our IP addresses.

Anonymous said...

My wikipedia stating that Hot and Ready's from Little Caesar's are known colloquially as "Almost Ready's" due to their consistently undercooked nature is still up. That is because it is very true. Good blog.